1/Coronavirus Tweets from the Experts, 4/25/2020

2/Manufacturing capacity is an underrated constraint on vaccine availability. When evaluating vaccine candidates, make sure to look at how quickly they'll be mass manufactured! https://twitter.com/ScottGottliebMD/status/1254109442423107584
3/We might finally be getting off of the 140k/day testing plateau. Took us long enough, dang it. https://twitter.com/ScottGottliebMD/status/1254186573257740291
4/We really did try HCQ en masse. If it had worked, we'd almost certainly know by now, even without RCTs. https://twitter.com/walidgellad/status/1254139288146579462
5/What happens if we don't get a vaccine as soon as we hope? Is that a realistic possibility? https://twitter.com/ASlavitt/status/1254195437432647683
6/Yes, when you hear people talk about "herd immunity" and it's not in the context of vaccination, you should be scared. https://twitter.com/nataliexdean/status/1254055418264944640
7/More on why you should be afraid when people say "herd immunity" and aren't talking about vaccination: https://twitter.com/CBCAlerts/status/1254178449817731076
8/A really amazing thread of data on asymptomatic transmission of coronavirus.

This, by the way, is why we need #TestAndTrace. https://twitter.com/ErinSandersNP/status/1250081382241579008
9/How much contact tracing do we need to do in order to suppress coronavirus outbreaks? https://twitter.com/AdamJKucharski/status/1254166919248261120
10/Actually this whole thread on the impact of social distancing measures is important. Note that it's for the UK. The U.S. might be different. https://twitter.com/AdamJKucharski/status/1254166905692307456
11/A convalescent plasma trial is underway in San Francisco. Join it if you're in SF and you've had coronavirus! https://twitter.com/UCSF/status/1253870553687089152
12/Epidemiologists debate Sweden. https://twitter.com/C_Althaus/status/1254126830673633280
13/Beware of studies with large sampling bias. https://twitter.com/CT_Bergstrom/status/1254128214667956224
14/A thread about the feasibility of self-collection of samples for COVID-19 tests. https://twitter.com/CrystalZhengMD/status/1254105286933176320
15/The science of how to kick coronavirus' ass: https://twitter.com/VirusesImmunity/status/1254126858838343681
16/Coronavirus mostly kills old people. But it can kill young people with blood clotting: https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1254066334624698369
17/An interview about coronavirus with the man who beat the deadliest pandemic of the last half century: https://twitter.com/megtirrell/status/1254071662884130816
18/More on why antibody levels don't necessarily give you an Immunity Passport: https://twitter.com/UCSF/status/1254095341143687169
19/An interesting study about how coronavirus works: https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1253877467267215360
20/THIS IS AWESOME: a real-time dashboard of COVID-19 treatment trials!! https://twitter.com/TheLancet/status/1253971163421839360
21/Remember: "asymptomatic at the time of testing" often (usually?) just means "pre-symptomatic". https://twitter.com/BogochIsaac/status/1254115609035628549
22/If you want to listen to podcasts about the virology of coronavirus, here you go! https://twitter.com/profvrr/status/1254037763294466050
23/Australia and New Zealand have done an excellent job containing the coronavirus. https://twitter.com/DrDenaGrayson/status/1254107569179762688
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