People should get this now..

There is nothing about my life outside of Christ that is interesting. Nothing outside of Christ that is desirable. Take Christ away and all you'll have is a weed and porn addict, weak mind, body and unhealthy emotions.

Believe me. Christ is my life.
I am Nothing. I am no one. If not for Jesus. My life would amount to nothing if He didn't chose to take it, save it, clean it up and use it.
I would be dragging my feet; a crackhead begging for change so I could get my next hit. Or in and out of rehab, depending on .. long my folks can hold out before they kick me to the curb.

My mind would be a slave to porn, to sexual slavery if He didn't breathe His intelligence into it.. If He didn't have me preaching to people, I wouldn't know how to say "hello" to anyone. I would be .. deep in the many levels of my self inflicted she'll that no one would know I existed. II probably would be dead. Probably would have taken my own life, coz up until Him, I didn't think I could have a future to live for.

Nothing. No one. An infinitesimal speck ..
..of dust in the floating vastenss of space.
I would be littler than a drop of water in a vast ocean. My life would have no meaning, (no purpose other than my next high).

I would be nothing without Him. I wouldn't even be alive without Him.

He is my Life
This may sound weird...

But this is the reason I sit silently and almost non-existent in a crowd; if I'm.not talking about Jesus, my mouth is shut. This is why I go by nicknames or Pseudonyms, because I do not feel my name is important enough to be known.
This sis why I even forgot my birthday. Why I'd dodged calls, and didn't reply wishes until late. Because, " what about my natural birth is worth being celebrated?"
Why I'm.not too open to making friends, or talking about myself because, why should people care?
What's so interesting about a former addict? What's so interesting about my life.
My mentions and DMs are wild with Birthday wishes and I'm asking myself, do these people know what they're saying? If these people knew about anything, they'd block and unfollow me immediately..
I don't deserve anything... I wouldn't deserve anything of it want for Christ.

Imagine the Maker of the Universe, took interest in me..enough to come Himself and die for me; a nobody. Imagine He could even think to give His life. -- His God - Life -- to me - To an Addict.
I Promise by every star that lines the night sky, by every mountain that scarpe the horizon, by every ocean that reflect the colour of the skies..


I will not back down. I will succomb. I will not cower. I will not falter.
I will.not Fear, whether scorn, persecution,
or death. I will be sturdy as a rock.

I am dead, this Life is Christ in Me. I am dead, my life is hid in Christ.

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