To lose weight you have to burn more energy than you ingest - fact. However, although CICO always applies (law of physics), it tells us nothing about why you are burning x amount of energy. It is much more complicated than simply eating less cals. (thread)
Under-recognized causes of weight loss difficulty:
❗️hormonal imbalances/changes, i.e. PCOS, menopause, low estrogen, low T in men, etc.
❗️stress (⬆️cortisol, ⬆️insulin resistance, ⬆️inflammation, etc.)
❗️inflammation, i.e. autoimmune disease, histamine intolerance, individual food sensitivities, etc.
❗️lack of sleep (hormones: insulin resistance, ⬇️leptin, ⬆️ghrelin)
❗️adaptive thermogenesis: cycles of weight loss and gain naturally slows down metabolism, eating too few calories for long period of time
❗️nutritional deficiencies: B vitamins, magnesium, iron, protein, etc.
❗️impaired gut health
❗️leptin resistance
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