"BUT THE VITA HAS NO GAMES" a photo essay.
I'm moving across the world and while I shipped my empty boxes I kept the carts with me. I actually accidently missed 6 games hiding in one of my cases. Bringing my physical carts to 241.
However, I collect Vita games to play. These are the 87 physical games Ive cleared (- shovel knight and Nurse Love Syndrome I forgot) In total I have cleared 194 Vita games. (107 digital titles)
Some Recommendations:
Danganronpa V3
Lost Dimension
House in Fata Morgana
The Nonary Games
Sonic All Stars Racing
Shovel Knight (of course)
Something from a huge range of genres. Games for all players.
To my shame here are the 150 physical games I've not finished. Split by English and Japanese. If you have any recommendation my ears are wide open.
I dont think people need to catch my sickness where I have over 400 games (physical and digital) but as you can see there is a huge range of amazing games on Vita which means theres a library there to suit everyone.
You can follow @vitagamergeorge.
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