YALL lemme tell you I just found out I spent two years of my life dating this guy who you all know very well ha. And it turns out he was cheating on me my whole relationship. At first he told me he did it once once I ended it a couple days later I found out it was the whole time
By his own friend lol. I stayed in that toxic relationship not knowing that he was cheating on me but I was manipulated the whole time. I didn’t think that I was in a toxic relationship until my friend started to tell me that it was wrong for someone to tell me I seemed different
He would always tell me I couldn’t wear certain outfits and get mad when I would talk to my friends he blocked me off from the world and told me that I went out too much turns out he just had a guilty conscience. Yes I was stupid for listening to him at the time
I had no idea this was all going on. I thought I was in love. But turns out him and all his friends were fake as fuck. They all lied for each other and on top of all that they passed around girls. Keep in mind they all have girlfriends. When I asked him if he cheated he denied
The first time. Then I told him I had proof and he came out and told me the truth. Ladies If you have any Gut feeling that your man is cheating on you go with that gut feeling because I had dreams for a month but I thought I was going crazy bc he told me I was.
Not to mention the Coke problem all him and his friends have. I definitely cut the relationship off right when I found out he cheated. The truth will always come out. Once a cheater always a cheater.
Girls know your worth and that you’re more than just an object. Leaving a toxic relationship might be really hard because you feel like you will never find love again. Trust me it’s hard getting over it but it will feel 10 times better. I’ll say it again and again men ain’t shit
Hahaha they always act dumb to
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