rather than admit that they harbored a predator anti antis and proshippers rather be like "NO it was the antis fault we didnt know!" rather than admit their mistake just shows their disconnect from reality and how much they want to avoid believing victims
ive been saying for YEARS proshippers have been creating spaces for predators, maps, & zoos to feel safe. it doesnt matter if you put zoos and maps dont interact you still encourage the behavior. its no wonder how fast they coopted the word 'anti' to mean literally anyone against
their bullshit. even WORSE they made a all age discord for their type of stuff? yeah thats totally going to keep kids safe and not leave room for grooming. these people are so delusional
you can read more abt it here in the link below. clawshrimpy wasnt just a unknown name he was a well known predator thats been KNOWN they should have known better and the fact that they had him in a server with kids makes me sick https://twitter.com/ImplausiblyJ/status/1246728139490889729
another good thread made by implausiblyj: https://twitter.com/ImplausiblyJ/status/1252868497786335234
at this point all proship/anti anti blogs are just circle jerks given how much more of them there are than actual anti discourse blogs ITS CRAZY the amount come up everyday its like they just want to parrot each other to make themselves feel better
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