Since it’s #SexualAssaultAwarenessMonth Here are a few reminders:
Always ask for consent & yes, people can withdraw it at anytime. You cannot coerce/pressure/force someone into having sex. Saying yes once doesn’t mean yes to sex forever.
Rape culture is so evident and impactful. No matter how many times survivors are told it’s not their fault, they believe otherwise. One message I’m trying my best to spread is that: Even though someone was aroused and had an orgasm, doesn’t mean they liked/wanted it. No means no.
The aftermath of it isn’t much easier. There are two (typically) long paths to take which are both a difficult and long process to begin with: Either report it or heal on your own and try your best to forget about it.
Also, just another PSA: You’re apart of rape culture if a survivor is trying to share their story and you say things like “Wow, I don’t think this is something X would do.” Just shut up and listen: One person is capable of doing both. Bad qualities can hide inside a good person.
The journey towards healing is never an easy one. Survivors get re-victimized and re-traumatized. Our trauma box will open and it can be frightening, agonizing, deteriorating and draining.
A little reminder: Hold your truth close to you. You are all kinds of strong.
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