Imma say it and say it once. Br3@d m@n is toxic. We come on this app to find encouragement and find other like us to support one another when no one else will. We do not and should not go around telling people they’re fat I’m thin [Continued in thread]
Because at the end of the day you can’t tell a if someone with extra weight on them is healthy. That is a fact. Also- YOURE NOT THEIR DOCTOR. Why do you care about whether they’re healthy or not? You don’t actually care about them!!
Brands like club exx do an amazing job of showing different body types in their clothes because no matter what we do, fat people and different body types will exist. It will.
It’s not ideal. But it gives the world flavour, and distinction.
At the end of the day, what you’re doing is not actually productive in any way shape or form. Stop talking about other people’s body’s and focus on your own. It’s not your business.
Amd they will mind their business right back. All they want to do is be proud of a body that most likely they’ve struggled with for years. They’re not promoting obesity. Just providing an opportunity for those who are.
I’m responding to no comments bye. Because no argument that can be had is worth it. [end of thread]
Lol bye is meant to be *btw lol
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