Don't know when I'll get around to Healing Good Ep 12 atm. So instead today I'll be talking about Precure's merch sales. Some people in this fandom think that Doki Doki/HapCha/GoPri all didn't do well for various reasons. One of the reasons I've heard is that kids didn't like Ace
(BTW I'm not calling out anyone in particular about their opinions. This is just an observation I've made)
Anyways, I don't think Ace led to Doki Doki having low sales. I don't think Doki Doki even had low sales either. You can check my calculations later and this isn't 100%...
...correct because I don't work for Toei nor do I know what numbers Toei actually looks for when determining whether a season is a financial success or failure.

Let's begin. To discuss about Doki Doki, we need to start all the way back at GoGo. According to this chart, FuWa-GoGo
... made 46.22 Billion Yen. Divide that by 5 to find an average and that comes out to 9.24 Billion Yen as the threshold. Which GoGo that made 10.03 Billion Yen exceeds. So it's not a financial failure. Which means it's a viewership issue.

Fresh made 11.01 Billion Yen. Which is..
... Almost a whole 1 Billion Yen up from GoGo. Bringing our pre-Heartcatch totals to 57.24 Billion Yen. The threshold after Fresh would have presumably been about 9.54 Billion Yen. So in order for Heartcatch to do well, it would have had to done better than that.
Post Heartcatch, the totals of the franchise were about 69.93 Billion Yen. The average made per season skyrockets to 9.99 Billion Yen. Essentially 10 Billion Yen. Alas this is where things begin to go sour.

Before I continue, I would like to point out 2 things.
1) Sales would obviously go down after a really popular season as nothing that came after that really popular season would live up to it.

2) Yes. There was the 2011 Earthquake/Tsunami in Japan that may have affected Suite's sales some. However, things should have been fine for..
... Smile. So this isn't really an excuse.

Now let's continue. Heartcatch made 12.68 B Yen. Suite made less, 11.08 B Yen. However, since the average after Heartcatch is 10 B Yen. Suite still did well.
Looking at Smile which shouldn't have been affected by the 11 Earthquake... terms of sales. Smile made 10.58 B Yen. Which is lower than Heartcatch and Suite but still above that 10 B Yen average I talked about earlier.
Now, we've reached the main point. Doki Doki made 9.91 B Yen. Which is lower than the 10 B Yen average. But only by .9 B Yen. That's actually still really good when you look at it. That's less of a drop than some other seasons have had.
The total amount of sales the franchise had made post Doki Doki was about 112.8 B Yen. Which makes the average per season 11.28 B Yen. Whether or not HapCha can 100% be considered a financial failure is debatable though.
HapCha made 8.52 B Yen. Which is definitely lower. Roughly 2.76 B Yen lower in fact. Which brings the total the franchise had made at 121.32 B Yen. But the average per season down to roughly 11.03 B Yen. So HapCha definitely do too good. But I wouldn't necessarily say it failed.
GoPri on the hand, definitely did poorly. GoPri only made 6.31 B Yen. That's over a 2 B Yen loss in sales. The franchise had made 127.63 B Yen roughly after GoPri. The average per season however became about 10.57 B Yen. This .1 B Yen less than what Smile made in total.
MT made 6.35 B Yen. Which is only .4B Yen more than GoPri. However since this is the first time PreCure has actually had an increase in sales since Fresh ~> Heartcatch. I think this could be considered a big success by Toei.
The rest of this thread will essentially be about what Healing Good would need to make to be considered a success normally. But, I need to go do something. So you can all read and respond to what I've said while I'm away.
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