1. Spiritually abusive pastors create a church culture that enables abuse, they cultivate a cultic culture. Therefore, it’s rare person who has trauma due to spiritual abuse has only been traumatized by pastor/abuser. Most often, their church communities have compounded trauma.
2. Trauma is compounded by church members when:

-Members turn their back on abused.
-Blame abused for their abuse.
-Publicly praise pastor/Abuser despite testimony of abused.
-Refer to abused as “brother” or “sister” & claim to love them but then treat them as a nuisance.
3. It’s common for the words “I love you” to become a traumatic trigger for those who’ve experienced spiritual abuse. That phrase has been weaponized against them & used flippantly by people who’ve claimed, using Bible, to have greater love for them than their own earthly family.
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