2019 Best Picture ranking - worst to first -
9) Marriage Story - wonderful performance. Everything else wildly overrated and even elitist and offensive. Kramer v. Kramer this is not.
8) Joker - Ledger was a better Joker. There. I said it. Taxi Driver was a better anti-hero movie. That is not as controversial. One viewing is enough.
7) Parasite - really good movie. However, I am convinced that if this was an American movie with American actors it would be far less revered. 2017s Get Out is a far superior movie and that lost to "The Shape of Water"!
6) Jo Jo Rabbit - the surprise on the list for me. Didn't expect or want to like it but I have a tendency to like most movies that humiliate Nazis. Moving with an important message.
5) Little Women - so so good. Acting was special. Moving and emotional- particularly if you have raised a daughter. So glad I got to see this with her.
4) 1917 - this starts an elite group of four movies. I was mesmerized. I understand some of the criticism but a a history enthusiast it was about time some brought the Great War to life in a meaningful and real way. The filmmaking was sublime. Would be a Beat Pix a lot of years.
3) Ford v. Ferrari - this was my #1 for a long time. Full disclosure is am a Mustang lover since I was a kid and meeting Damon's Carol Shelby was like a dream. Race sequences were great but the human story stole the show. Four stars.
2) The Irishman - I was mesmerized for 3 and a half hours and while the last 30 minutes could have been edited down I found this to be a top three Scorsese pic. It was heaven watching those actors work together. It is time well spent.
1) Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - says something that this is only my 3rd favorite QT flick (Pulp and Jango) but it was my fav movie this year. Leo and Brad had chemistry rarely seen anymore and the movie in movie hostage scene is an all timer. This is a must see.
Django. Working to fast.
Also, I'm a realist and I doubt anyone will look at this thread, and I certainly don't expect anyone to care about my opinion. This is more for me for posterity sake.
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