Remember! Some people can't fast for serious reasons. Serve them, value them, and make sure they feel they are with those who are fasting, even if they need to eat or drink in front of you. Reserve them a seat at the iftar table, and ask them to make dua with you.
Kindly removing unwarranted guilt from a person is an act of worship
Allah is so merciful that he permits them to abstain from fasting, while still rewarding them for their intention, so why would anyone make them feel isolated or guilty!
In fact, when they eat or drink in front of a fasting person, something amazing happens. The prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said,

Verily, angels send blessings upon a fasting person when others eat in their presence until they finish. Related by al-Tirmidhi
To those unable to fast, I want to send tons of Ramadan blessings and greetings your way. We are one umma, tied together by sincere intentions and our concern for good.

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