I just stumbled upon a tweet on how Aniomas (Delta Igbos) are not real Igbos and how we're discriminated against and I'll like to say my 2 cents on the issue.
As a child, I remember always saying I'm igbo and how all the Igbos around me always disputed that, saying I'm from Delta
We're not real Igbos, and what not. Sometimes I cried wheb they rejected me since all I wanted was to belong because we were taught the 3 tribes in Nigeria are Igbo, Yoruba and Hausa and others were minorities (I didn't want to be a minority). As I grew up, I started introducing
Myself as Ika, a minority group in Delta and I was happy to embrace it and finally belong, but then people started breaking me down again and started calling me Igbo. I became lost at this point, do I call myself igbo or ika and then it hit me, why am I so bothered about
What tribe to be called? Why should I be instigating a tribal war within me about where to belong, I can be Ika and Igbo at the same time. As long as I know my roots and where I'm from other people's bias and judgements do not matter. What's the point of hating me simply because
I'm from the other side of the Niger? Some Aniomas may never experience this, but for those who do, be proud of who you are. We're all humans and there's no need to fight each other over things like you're not igbo, you're Delta igbo. There are other more important things in life
You can follow @MadukaMillicent.
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