My point was “the Holocaust is bad” and this person felt the need to point out that there were more people who died in a colonial genocide than Jews who died in the Holocaust, because “Jewish suffering is privileged over black suffering.” Very strange move.
If your first impulse when the Holocaust comes up is to randomly make the argument that other genocides were worse, you should rethink that impulse. Not exactly worthwhile to attempt to start the Genocide Olympics
lol I’m “centering my fragility” by saying it’s a bad idea to react to a mention of the genocide of Jews by arguing that another genocide was actually worse. my whole point is that turning this into a Jewish Genocide vs. Black Genocide discourse is extremely stupid
I’m “white-humanist/racistly disciplining” this person for saying it’s wrong to react to a mention of the Holocaust by pointing to a different genocide, totally unprompted.

Is it bad that I put “Bundist” in my bio and focused specifically on the Jewish victims of the Holocaust?
When you’re a self-hating Jew
Well entire branches of my family were wiped out by the Holocaust, so I think I’m qualified to give my 2 cents here. The idea that I’m trivializing colonial genocides by saying it’s weird to bring them up unprompted during a discussion of the Holocaust is absolutely ridiculous
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