Hardening of 2 sides of all-or-nothing thinking (total lockdown with no end in sight vs go back to normal tomorrow) is so frustrating.

What we need right now is flexibility & creativity, along with clear data about transmission that gives us safety parameters to innovate within.
For example, looking to move as much commerce as possible outside this summer. Cities need to think about how they can make that happen, eg closing streets to traffic. Some businesses will be able to operate w moderate social distancing, some won’t. But some is better than none.
How are states doing with rapid testing and how reliable is it? Could we reopen some offices/factories with those <60 w everyone taking a test each morning? How can building interiors be reconfigured so as to allow more fresh air circulation and fewer close contacts btw people?
Can more transactions be completed via drive thru? Can we run more subway cars in cities reliant on public transit to reduce density in any given car? When will it be possible for everyone to have a private supply of N95 masks?

Just a few Qs & ideas off the top of my head.
Also: huge distinction btw taking a calculated risk breaking social distancing to be able to feed your family & being an assh*le who just wants to do more fun things and is willing to risk other people’s lives to do so. What’s necessary? What can we do to make those things safer?
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