Gonna throw this out there before I sleep and wake up with a hungover. Collecting is about passion, collect what you can, spend what you can afford? Don’t get jealous of others showing off because they spend x y and z on something. Collect for enjoyment, not for investment 1/3
Open that box touch it and use it. Just because you have an item worth a fortune doesn’t mean your god and because you’ve been collecting your entire life doesn’t make you god and because you’ve been collecting a short time doesn’t mean you don’t have a passion and know f all 2/3
Everyone is important, everyone has a passion! Some don’t say it but they do look down on others, sadly. Enjoy what you love, collect to preserve and to keep passions alive, and bring people back to what they loved. Collect for passion, not to impress, collect for you. 3/3
Absolutely not idea where that come, but it isn’t just subbureo related, it’s any collecting group. but as I said dunno where it all come from... I blame the wine. 🍷🍷 I’m gonna sleep now!!!
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