The same colourism that makes you think dark skinned men are more manly than light skinned men also makes people think light skinned women are more womanly than you 😬
This is such an awkward chat coming from dark skinned women especially. If dark skin is manlier than light skin, are you the manliest girl in your squad bc o mnyama in comparison to the other girls le wena? Let's think about some of the messages we promote on our platforms.
"It only applies to men"
Only your head. Dark skinned women are likened to men all the time when they aren't being likened to aggressive animals. People even say dark skinned babies aren't innocent like light babies. You can't cherry pick colourism when it is inherently extremist
Hypermasculine branding is a double edged sword for dark skinned black men tbh. Being seen as extra masculine comes with things like being seen as extra aggressive & dangerous. But that's for DS men to unpack. I just need DS women to stop spreading discourse that 100% harms them.
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