COVID19 has unearthed many negative aspects of society. Yet, I remain hopeful for a better future as I observe acts of solidarity, kindness, and strength. 1/
As the news of #PPE shortages started to flood the media early March, I found this at my doorstep. An anonymous gift from one of my neighbors. No card, no acknowledgement requested. 2/
And I took great pride in seeing one of my own @UIC_COM students @NicoleB1um take charge as part of @GetMePPEchi 3/
And so many awesome #medtwitter folks @choo_ek @meganranney @MDaware @AliRaja_MD @jeremyfaust and so many others take charge as part of @getusppe
As many frontline healthcare workers agonized about whether it was fair for us to compare our experiences with war, I get this email from my brother-in-law: 5/
"Marina, we can only imagine the battle you and your colleagues are currently fighting. As an ex military man I understand how difficult it is to fight a war were you can't see the enemy and there are no visible front lines..." 6/
"...We just want to let you and your colleagues know that we are extremely proud of your great labor to win this war and that we have all of you constantly on our minds and our hearts." 7/
When shelter in place orders were extended, I found this on my sidewalk, courtesy of one of my 10-year-old son’s friends and neighbor: 8/
While el president loco spreads disinformation, he is kept in check by the sane voices of #medtwitter @darakass @meganranney @choo_ek @jeremyfaust @garthwalkermd @EMSwami and many more 9/
And governors such as IL @JBPritzker, @NYGovCuomo, CA @GavinNewsom and others take charge, using DATA to guide local policy and keep their constituents safe 10/
And the Illinois Latinx leadership doesn’t agonize about the disproportionate impact of COVID19 in Latinx communities. We organize!  12/
And we’ve seen more blue checks go to advocates of #HealthJustice @uche_blackstock @DrOniBee @KellyMDoran @meganranney @darakass @choo_ek and more! 13/
And so I hope we take comfort in the words of MLK: “…the world is all messed up. The nation is sick. Trouble is in the land; confusion all around…But I know, somehow, that only when it is dark enough can you see the stars.” 16/
There is no going back to “normal”. But, we are already seeing a better future unfold. These and many more acts of solidarity, kindness, and strength are proof that the best is yet to come. Thanks for coming to my TED talk. 15/fin
I meant to make this part of my last tweet of this thread. Here's my cat enjoying a paper bag. Of all the toys he can choose from, he finds joy in its simplicity.
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