Colonized people, do not partake in the colonizer's degradation of Kim Jong-un. Kim and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea ( #NorthKorea) is not an enemy of colonized people. The DPRK has done nothing but offer African and colonized nations material support against back.
colonialism and to build self determination. The #DPRK examplifies what working class colonized people can do if we come together in international SOLIDARITY to defeat imperialism and colonialism. As colonized people we should not be fooled by this rhetoric from u.s. imperialism
but instead know the TRUTH about the DPRK and how much of an INSPIRATION it is. The truth is that u.s. imperalism is afraid the DPRK. They are afraid of the inspiration it can share to the world.
They fear the DPRK because they fear it would inspire other nations to rise up and overthrow colonialism. Ask yourself, as a colonized person what has the DPRK done to you that makes you laugh along with colonizers at it's issues?
Did the DPRK bomb colonized nations in the Middle East? Did the DPRK enslave Africans? Did the DPRK install dictators in so called Latin America? Did the DPRK inflict genocide on the Native people of turtle island? No. The very people you laugh along with did these things to our
people.There is nothing that the DPRK has done but extand solidarity to colonized nations. Particularly African nations. Ask Zimbabwe how DPRK soldiers assisted in the fight against colonialism. Ask Equatorial Guinea, Somalia, and Burundi how the DPRK has sent them gifts and aid
These are stories that the Imperialist don't want you to know about, because they want as many of us as possible to be confused about who are real enemies are.. We leave you with the the words of the revolutionary King Il-sung, who once said that "the peoples of Asia, Africa, and
Latin America have common interest and are in the position to support each other in their anti-imperialist and anti-U.S. struggle. As long as Africa and Latin America are not free." ✊🏾✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾
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