so i wanna address something since I’ve seen many people think of themselves as talentless or useless lately. First of all, THAT IS NOT TRUE. Many people think of singing, dancing, drawing etc. when they hear ‘talent‘ but there are so many more talents, you +
may just not consider as talents yet. A talent can be, being patient, being a good listener when someone needs one to talk to, giving good advice, making people laugh, saving up money, being kind, caring about others, and so on...just because you can’t sing or dance or whatever
doesn’t make you a talentless person. There are so many talents inside you that you just may not see yourself or you have never thought of it as a talent. You are not useless. There are many people who love you and who need you. Even if you feel like there aren‘t, i promise you
that there are because i’m already one of them. You all are full of talents and play an important role on this earth. I care about all of you so much and all i want is you to be happy. If you ever need someone to talk to, please dm me, i will always listen 💜 i love you so much
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