a thread of my favourite architectural/interior accounts on instagram 🍃
— lately i've been into ig accounts who post interiors and i'm here to share some of them to you! i also use these accounts' photos for moodboards, so they could be of help!
— you may already know her since i've seen tweets about her already. her posts are inspired by old hollywood and by the fashion photography of the 50s and 60s. https://instagram.com/hillhousevintage?igshid=1ewhrrblz1zt3
— this account's content are usually reposts of european interiors.
— similar to the account mentioned previously, she reposts european interiors as well but is more focused on antiques, mid-century, and industrial designs.
— pastel and spring vibes! this account posts very soft and cute interiors.
— the owner of this account, Sarah Cann, owns a rectory cottage and posts interiors of said cottages. similar to the previous account, it has a very pastel-y vibe.
— posts are inspired by french country, the perfect mix of elegant and refined with rustic beauty.
that concludes this thread! i only mentioned 6 accounts, but there's so much more. if you have any recommendations, feel free to add them below! i hope you guys loved this thread ♡
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