delusional? i had to laugh. it’s history. read your books before you come and showcase your intellectuality, or in this case lack of.
i really try my fucking hardest not to come at lebanon bc mu na2eskon zil. my destroyed country is still debtless 11 years into a war, my destroyed country still pays people their salleries & on time, my destroyed country didnt push its people to sleep on the streets for a 1month
+asking for basic life necessities, my destroyed country didn’t stop collecting trash from the streets and let it all pile up to the point where y’all couldn’t leave you houses from the stench of streets+
+if you’re able to wash you face and brush your teeth in the morning and be on twt it’s bc of my destroyed country. trust me my destroyed country wouldn’t want to take lebanon in if it gets paid trazillion amounts of $$
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