1. Accountability

While it’s true than not all men are trash, enough men have made it so that women cannot go outside without a rape whistle and some pepper spray. Enough men have created an environment where women do not feel safe. This is incredibly problematic. Not only-
do “men apologists (chour)” blur the lines between trash and decent men, they also fail to take accountability for the actions of people who might even be their friends.
Even if we concede that not all men are trash and not all men should be held accountable for the actions of trash men, men should still be held accountable for their reactions toward it (or lack thereof).
2. Impacts, Narratives, and Perceptions

This is where it gets incredibly dangerous. What happens when trash men see a decent guy saying “not all men are trash”? More often than not, it inhibits the likelihood of that individual reflecting of his trashness. Trash men are more
likely to ignore the fact that they are trash because someone is giving them a free pass by saying “not all men”. It creates an avenue for these men to say “well, since not all men are trash I guess it’s okay for me to be a little problematic right?” It changes the way that
these men are being held accountable for their actions. By diluting the message of “men are trash” into “some men are trash”, you take away it’s strength and make the identity of a trash man arbitrary.
If you are a good guy who is not offended by “men are trash” and you even agree that some men are trash, CONGRATULATIONS! You’re a decent human being. However, if you try and justify that “not all men are trash stop generalizing us”, you might need to check your privilege.
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