Anger is a reasonable reaction to anti-fat bias.
Discrimination, harassment, microaggressions, coercion & scapegoating SHOULD make us collectively angry. It’s a sign that thinner folks can empathize with fat folks, and that fat folks see ourselves as worth defending.
And anger is catalytic. It leads to action, to demanding better of ourselves, our communities, our institutions.

There is power and potential in anger. Anger gets shit DONE.
So feel your frustration, anger, indignation, outrage. And then channel it into action.

Use it to defend people who are fatter than you.
Use it to call out anti-fatness where you see it.
Use it to advocate for accessible spaces where you work, go to school, get services.
Feel that anger.

Then do something with it.
You can follow @yrfatfriend.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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