Will we see domestic migration towards open economies within the United States?

How much longer before people in closed economies just up and move to a place where they can work?

Some jurisdictions are talking about two years of disruptions.

While others are opening now...
My suspicion is that there are major changes coming to the real estate market.

I don’t see a positive path forward for urban real estate.

Urban commercial, retail, and hospitality about to be destroyed.

Residential to soften as well.

Suburban and rural may grow.
Almost all the arguments for living in the city are trending downwards now.

Office commutes for knowledge workers are a thing of the past now.

Traffic will decrease. Gas will be cheaper. Schools will matter less and less.

You can live anywhere now.
Teleworking. Home schooling. Deliveries for everything.

During Corona the knowledge worker family has proven to itself it can live anywhere it wants.

Will they move?
As your physical location matters less, your online network matters more.

Groups like the #LiminalOrder will become more important as we provide professional networking, personal development, and life saving sense making.
You can follow @jackmurphylive.
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