As much as the junior novel is ooc and ignores canon, it gave us the missing piece for the Exegol/WBW scene. In Rae’s novel, i was totally puzzled on why Rey/Ben couldn’t sense each other if she accessed the wbw & the pit was a vergence.

I think this is how:👇🏼 https://twitter.com/bensoloalive/status/1254118775093370881
So basically the order goes:

Ben falls into the vergence (pit) into the wbw and Rey cant sense him.

Rey accesses the WBW and can sense him again but thinks its her own voice cause she thinks he’s dead. He tells her to stay on exegol/that plane bc he’s trying to get back to her.
Rey destroys (maybe?) Palps and loses touch with the wbw, and collapses.

Ben (still in the wbw) cant sense her anymore and knows something is very wrong.

When he gets *out* of the wbw pit, he can sense a tiny spark of life in her again
As for why Rey hears it throughout her life? I think its an echo. As if Ben yelled it into the wbw and it rippled through the time element of their bond, since they were already in the same “space”
Or, like when she hears it on Ahch-To, its Ben post-Tros trapped in the WBW, repeating it to her. Hoping one day, she’ll realize its him calling to her.
In conclusion: #ReuniteTheDyad
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