-from this week's inquiry the 1 yr extension is NOT clear for many working in NHS that aren't drs or nurses.
-What abt care takers, many BIPOC who are putting their lives at risk?
-In October surcharge will increase to £624 per person per yr this is still to take place (2)
-Hostile Environment creates such fear migrants *specially in precarious migrant status* will not go to GP let alone hospital bcs of terror of being charged, detained & deported. Ireland, Portugal & Spain recognise that hostility towards migrants is a matter of public health. (3)
EVERYONE no matter immigration status should have access to healthcare & gov help to overcome a global pandemic but naahhhh here we are still with hostile environment.
Pls stop with the *exemptions* to migration rules as it reinforces good vs bad migrant. 🙅🏽‍♀️😡
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