Two #Keyforge games to talk about today. 1st was me possibly stealing defeat from the jaws of victory. 2nd was #CompetitiveKeyforge on #TCO against what I consider the "typical" online player. In my 1st game on #KiP I learned something incredibly frustrating
in the moment, but a lesson I'll take with me forever into the future. I had the game as I considered it, handily won. My opponent and I both had 2 keys forged, I had 11 #aember, my opponent had 4 or 5, and they had no way of off-step forging, and no cards that could take me
below 6 aember I needed to forge my final key (or so I thought). I have now learned that even at 11 aember, the combination of #AutoLegionary and #XenoTraining makes for an absolutely gross 9 aember capture. I allowed myself to assume Legionary's ability was restricted to the
houses present in the deck, not literally every house in the game (whoops!). But such is the way of the game, and I've found a new "gotcha" way of losing that I won't forget about in the future. The 2nd game my opponent was once again on the back foot as I had 2 keys forged
and 15 aember to their 1 key and 4 aember. I knew based on their discard there wasn't a way for them to win as even with their #GrumpBuggy on board, they couldn't make a 16 cost key, nor steal/capture me down within range. My opponent decided to play out their final turn
(which I have zero issues with normally) and went into their #Gangernaut combo w/ their #Groggins and #BellowingPatrizate and #GauntletofCommand to get themselves to 10 aember. They ended their turn, I won the game, I gave my typical "gg, thanks for the game," and they just quit.
I realize this is beating-a-dead-horse, but again, when your opponent waits to let you run your combo, and even has the knowledge that you cannot win the game, but wants to let you play it out regardless, just quitting the game afterward leaves the impact that all you really
wanted was to waste the other person's time, see if they'd leave the game instead of waiting for you to finish your turn, and derive some type of satisfaction from feeling they were able to upset their opponent? Am I expecting too much from people who create #competitive matches?
I realize a lot of folks will only join/create games through Discord because of the rollercoaster that is the #KeyforgeRando potential you get from anonymous matches on both #TCO and #KiP, but should that be the case? Do we have some responsibility to make the online environment
better when it is the only option with #SocialDistancing being the norm we will experience for a long time to come? Do we care so little that new player's first interaction with the game may be pushing them away from joining the community and bolstering our numbers when we need
new blood the most? I have thoughts on repercussive measures such as accounts linked to social media such as FB so you know, or can find, the actual person you were playing, but I'm not sure it would be an effective deterrent. Maybe it would even make the problem worse.
Anyway, this current #SaturdayKeyforge rambling is done. Peace and love to you all. Stay healthy and safe.
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