Homosexuality is not normal and natural. Japan suffers from homosexuality problem due to cannibalism practiced by their ancestors during WW2.

There is one place in Nigeria where they have so much problem related to homosexuality where cannibalism is rampant.
Western countries have so much problem related to Homosexuality due to cannibalism practiced by their ancestors during dark middle ages.

Almost all homosexuals are pedophiles. No 1 is born as homosexual.

In Russia Homosexuality is illegal.
In US armed forces Homosexuality is encouraged.

Earlier Homosexuality was considered as a mental illness. Now it is considered as basic human right.

Most of the serial killers are homosexuals and it is a fact.
If you visit Japan. There are restaurants in Japan where you can get food which are made in the form of human organs.

Japanese army did cannibalism during WW2. 👇👇
There are Japanese names for different kinds of perversion--for example food is served on a human body who is made to sleep and then food is kept on that person where different people enjoy the delicacies.
There is a specific name in Japanese for that.
Pedophile can be homosexual/heterosexual,but a pedophile is someone who spoils small children.

Almost all homosexuals are pedophiles. Homosexuals were once spoiled by a pedophile. No pedophile recognises himself as homosexual.
Transgenders aren't homosexuals. Transgender is caused due to Biological/Genetical problem.
Below pictures is a homosexual's manifesto:
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Quote from Mae West's autobiography:
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