once again emmanuel college has invalidated my experience and put the blame on me for not appealing the sanctions. i am sorry if after recounting, in front of my mother, the trauma of having my tampon removed against my will and showing these pictures i was fucking exhausted.
further, this person hired a PRIVATE lawyer to represent them in the academic trial (something i couldn’t afford to do because my family is poor). they also “forgot” to inform me i could have a character witness but remembered to tell him.
i drove up from boston to sit through hours of trial. being torn apart and having my life and character questioned. i was EXHAUSTED.
despite every single way they tried to prevent me and make it more difficult for me, he was still found responsible. because it’s the FUCKING TRUTH.
also. the DA didn’t take my case because they didn’t want to put me through a case they didn’t know if they could win. i was told it was a “he said she said” - LIKE 95% OF CASES OF THIS NATURE. my calls to continue forward stopped being returned.
in conclusion, emmanuel college: fuck you. you betrayed me yet again. you have come out and attacked me. your lack of empathy and compassion are palpable and revolting. until the end of time i will fight against everything you have done to me and other survivors.
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