If you live in Virginia, here's some advice for you:

GET OUT. https://twitter.com/jsolomonReports/status/1254072841378684936?s=20
And something else.

A whole lot of people that voted this petty tyrant into office are now gonna TURN on him with a vengeance.


People who **insist** on voting Democrats have to SUFFER the consequences of doing that.

It's not pretty.

It's painful.

I understand that.

But it's necessary that people SEE why they MUST stop voting Democrat.
When Northam's term is up, the Democratic Party of VA **fully intends** to run someone JUST LIKE HIM to replace him.

Everybody got that?

Everybody on the same page here?

How **enthusiastic** do you see VA voters being to replace Northam with ANOTHER Democrat just like him?
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