To call a male character who flirts with other male characters during a story but ultimately ends up with a female character “queerbaiting” is biphobic
Honestly most “queerbaiting” discourse is biphobic / queerphobic / panphobic / fluidphobic
Honestly queerbaiting isn’t really anything other than fans being upset their specific ship and/or sexual desires aren’t portrayed on screen

If a story’s creator tells you characters are a specific sexual identity then they are - that’s the representation, that should be enough
You not getting to see them kiss or them not screaming “I’m gay” is not anyone’s issue but your own

do you ask people to prove their sexual identity by kissing people they’re supposed to be attracted to?
I get wanting to see same sex relationships portrayed in media as thoroughly and intimately as male-female couples but just because a specific same sex relationship doesn’t do the same doesn’t make it some ill intended “queerbait” or mean that it’s “poorly done”
Side/end note: when I mention “bait” in my videos I’m talking about fujobait which is a similar but separate concept from “queerbait” (planning to do a video on this eventually)
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