I realize I’m leaving this to the last minute, but as outgoing Membership Coordinator I want to recommend that @Boston_DSA comrades rank @lirael_abhorsen 1 on both the MC and at-large ballot slots.
This past year on the CC and in various WGs and committees, they have patiently and tirelessly worked on de-siloing the working groups, improving the CC’s administrative practices, coalition-building with the rest of the Boston left, and keeping our membership safe.
The work the CC does is boring, administrative, and unglamorous. The people we need on it are serious, dedicated, tactical thinkers with a wide set of connections and the patience to use them to help our membership build skills and relationships of their own.
That is not me; I am just here to try to make our email policy better. I was very much a dumb baby leftist whomst didn’t know anybody when I joined.
A huge part of what I know about organizing, and a lot of the work I do both within the chapter and with coalition orgs, I learned from them or from people and groups that she brought into our orbit.
They’re also the only person in this organization with any posting discipline.

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