Sleep paralysis and how you can control it + find out how it leads to astral projection

Trigger Warning⚠️ : If you’re easily paranoid please DO NOT continue to read and if you have a negative opinion just know your opinion is not valued or relevant.
Sleep paralysis is the phenomenon where you’re temporarily unable to talk or move your body upon waking up. The thing is...your body isn’t aware that you’re awake.
Approximately 6-8% of people will experience sleep paralysis at least once in their life. It can sometime start as early as a child and continue into adulthood depending on how spiritually aware you are.
Some people report seeing demons or evil entities towering over their bodies when they’re in a sleep paralysis state. According to scientific research, these are just “hallucinations” caused by REM when you suddenly try to jolt awake.
Sleep paralysis is the state where part of your brain wakes up but the other does not, which can occur when you’re in the middle of a sleeping cycle. This is due to a disturbance in your REM cycle. Some people can control it to where they can then phase on to astral project.
Astral project is an OBE (out of body experience) where you can separate your soul consciousness from your body to roam the spiritual realm, talk to your guardian angels, and simply go downstairs to walk around.
Many people fail to realize that the more you try to fight sleep paralysis, the longer you will stay paralyze. Having a panic attack could possibly keep you in that state longer, so the best thing to do is stay still & calm as possible while trying to move your toes.
During sleep paralysis you can be able to control your dreams and how they play out if you’re consciously aware of what’s going on and with practice. Some people purposely trigger sleep paralysis to do this and to astral project.
Often times during this period, many people report feeling a presence in the room with them and others state they see dark figures in the corner over their bodies. Some of these could be hallucinations, but is it a coincidence everyone says the same thing? I think not.
Sleep paralysis is the perfect time to astral project if you would like to. While your body is not moving and you’re in between consciousness it can be easy to separate from your body.
It takes some practice shifting your consciousness out of your body is not a natural state for you and will feel odd. Some people can literally hear the vibrations of them separating from their body and it can come off as a high pitch sound.
Some people can have a very difficult time trying to stretch out of their body because the pull to stay in it can be strong. If you’re purposely trying to astral project you can call on your spirit guides or angels to help you.
“If I’m in a sleep paralysis or astral projecting state can a spirit take my body??” The answer is no. When you astral project there’s a chord still attached to you that leads back to your body. Unless you PHYSICALLY die while in that state the chances of that happening is slim.
You can grow your consciousness strong to achieve better control over sleep paralysis and astral projection through walk through meditations and visualization meditations. Once you learn how to calm your mind and empty your thoughts it’s possible.
If you’re even more advanced when it comes to astral projection, you can try to access planes of consciousness. The planes are:
1. Physical (what we’re on)
2. Astral
3. Casual
4. Akashic (where the Akashic Records reside)
5. Mental
6. Messianic
7. Buddhaic
Another thing I would like to add, it’s VERY common for children to astral project, see spirits, and have sleep paralysis due to their active imagination which is a thin veil to the spiritual realm. If they have an imaginary friend, 9/10 it’s an actual spirit or angel.
I received a good question! If you’re on any medication or take any form of drugs it CAN HINDER YOU from being able to astral project / induce sleep paralysis since your mind is under another influence which can make it harder to reach that subconscious state with willpower.
Here’s another thread that you can review if you’re interested in these paranormal and spiritual realm discussions!
https://twitter.com/obsidianshakti/status/1253754306152579075?s=21 https://twitter.com/obsidianshakti/status/1253754306152579075
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