how can you support your idol ? here is easy steps

1 support their work promote them as much as you can
2 stream their songs in every possible platform
3 trust and respect your idol and ppl who he/she/them consider them as "friend"
4 vote for them if they are nominated.
5 don't blame others if you are too lazy to support them put this energy in to something that actually can benefit them ?

6 did I say respect, yeah I can repeat it Respect your idol don't make fun of them to get some clout

7 don't attack other artists! just don't cause when you do their fan will attack back and you are gonna create a massive drama with absolutely nothing , what you give you will take then why you take chances in the first place ??
8 you as fan can effect your idol image you have no idea how can something small you start can harm your idol image !

9 love them the way they are and remember they are humans their feelings can get hurt , their MH matters don't make jokes about it

10 don't fake numbers of streams and make imaginary achievements just don't stop it you are goona embarrass ur self and ur idol ! cause numbers and reality won't support your lies ,so maybe work harder to make these numbers reality!

just be decent human being it cost you 0.00$
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