Do you think that Roger Goodell has thought for even one second "hey, you know, maybe we messed this whole LA thing up"
It was clear he/the league didn't give two shits about St. Louis but I think even Rog knew two things:

1. The move that made by far the most sense was the Raiders to LA

2. The Chargers belonged (and still do) in San Diego
Yes, he got the league two new stadiums out of the deal, so win for him I guess. But now he's got a whole other host of problems
1. Kroenke Palace is literally billions over budget

2. Three different franchises moved and the move that made the most sense didn't even happen

3. LA doesn't give a shit about the Chargers

4. The Chargers/Rams relationship is....not great
5. Because the league blew off the only feasible stadium proposal here in STL they've got one nasty lawsuit out that's still pending and could cost the league a FAT amount
But this is what happens when the only things that matters to you is milking every last dollar. Kroenke and Jones were/are the two wealthiest owners and thus they were the ones calling the shots
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