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On Monday, I was walking Mercer while FaceTiming my sister & niece, and an elderly woman & her husband who were right in front of my building told me that, "I'm the reason why we're in this mess." I instinctively yelled back at them, "What did you just say to me??"
She repeated it again, and her husband just grabbed her, stumbled back off the sidewalk, and scurried away.

Right in front of my home.

What breaks my heart the most is that my sister and niece had to hear it. That angered me to my core. I still shake even thinking about it.
I've told my sister to be cautious when stepping out of the house (or don't at all), because she might be a target of verbal or even physical abuse.

Do you realize how immensely sad and heartbreaking that is? Having to say that to your little sister?
Since Monday, I've replayed that moment multiple times in my head & wish I said more in the moment.

I am not sharing this to drum up sympathy. I am glad it happened to me & not my sis. I know my struggle pales in comparison to what others face on a daily basis in this country.
But, we need to be open and aware what is actually going on, and how leadership in the highest level is tearing this country apart.

Asians culturally tend to bottle up trauma. Shame is inherent in Asian culture & what I felt in the moment was as if this was my fault in any way.
It's not.

That momentary shame I felt, made me so angry & sad, and I am sharing this morning bc we all need to be open and be able to talk about it. All of us need to be aware that our words have power and reckless words have real negative consequences, even violent ones.
. @johnthecho articulates exactly how I feel in this moment - "Asian Americans are experiencing such a moment right now. The pandemic is reminding us that our belonging is conditional. One moment we are Americans, the next we are all foreigners, who 'brought' the virus here."
In the end, I still have hope. I am proud to be an American and a New Yorker.

There is love & love will always win. I believe in goodness of people. I believe that we can be compassionate, empathetic, and loving - I try to push myself to better every day.
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