Cedarville friends. I don’t want to cause unnecessary pain or condemnation. But maybe we need to pause and consider that Dr White should have taken sexual assault *by a spiritual leader* much more seriously than he did before we rush to his defense.
Dr White has been somebody I look up to. I respect him. I’d like to be like him in a lot of ways. But if we defend him because he’s been good for our university, we minimize the terror of the rampant sexual abuse in the SBC right now.
Students were not informed about Dr Moore’s past. Maybe my favorite bible prof. Scripture came alive when he taught. I cried in his class and quoted him in a sermon. When you google him I come up bc his name is in my official chapel message transcript. I deserved to know his past
Grace is huge. But grace to abusers is allowing them to participate in the Body of Christ, not giving them teaching positions. The man he abused was a youth pastor. I am a youth pastor, and I would trust my supervisors with my life. The church deserves better men than this.
And so does @cedarville . DWhite dropped the ball here, and our schools witness has been hurt. But more importantly, an abuse victim had to watch his abuse not matter as his abuses took a happy teaching job states away where his actions ultimately did not matter. That’s gross
The SBC is suffering, thousands of reports are coming out about sexual abuse coverup. I understand that White didn’t have all the facts upon hiring Dr Moore, but I truly expected him to be a man who takes abuse more seriously than this.
Sexual abuse committed AS A PASTOR is serious. It’s naive to expect a person WITH LEADERSHIP AND TRUST TO STEWARD to turn around and take his responsibilities as a trusted teacher seriously after totally getting away with it before.
I love Dr. White. I am not signing the petition to defend him, at least not yet. Tangling with known pastoral abusers is a losing game, and @cedarville deserved better.
I would like to further clarify by saying that Dr. Moore should have been going to jail, not teaching me about the merciful Jesus who loves the weak. Hiring him was reckless and legally ambiguous, not graceful.
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