this screams "gamau dibakar? gausah ngebegal" so hard and wbk that bakar begal cuma memenuhi nafsu tapi justice ga served at all.

dan dia ngebelain 'pembakar begal' seakan cuma itu justice yang bisa diterapkan. welcome to the jungle indeed.
two wrongs dont make a right. @skeletale FAILED to acknowledge that. ada pemerkosa, sistem hukum rusak, ga membenarkan mass lynching. and apparently she forgot about pro bono lawyers that gives out FREE judicial helps.
berat ga berarti inaccessible. buat apa ada LBH, LSM perempuan, dan segala macem lembaga antikekerasan seksual kalo mereka ga bisa nolong korban dengan gratis? @skeletale failed to acknowledge this status quo.
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