I mean good work on proving the whole right wing "the left is eating itself" bullshit by using your time during the pandemic to harass a justice reform advocate and a trans woman for the heinous crime of *checks notes* having things and being in an economic situation
You know what? Let's perform a fucking thought experiment. Let us suppose for a moment that @CarcinLoring and @FreyjaErlings genuinely are the manipulative sociopathic money-grubbing parasitic landlords their detractors seem to want people to believe they are.

What's the end goal, here? Even if Carcin and Freyja are Super Evil, what is the intended outcome? Are you going to force Carcin and Freyja to sell their houses THAT THEY LIVE IN AND ARE OCCUPYING? Are you going to try and make Carcin lose their job? What's your GOAL?
The most serious damage you could realistically do is really fuck up Sisk's life (even more), and even if you think Sisk is a literal child molester (which, even by the most unfavourable possible interpretation of the charges against her, she isn't). But who does that benefit?
Okay so, absolute "best" case scenario: you made a bunch of people on the internet think two household owners are Bad People and you fucked up a trans woman's life even worse than it was before. How has that advanced the cause of social justice in any measurable way whatsoever?
There'll still be massive wealth inequality, prisoners will still suffer inhuman atrocities and indignities in service to nothing other than the state's hegemony, the pandemic will still be used to push massive austerity. You've helped absolutely nothing.
I have repeatedly made the point that if, tomorrow, I learnt that Sisk was lying about everything and fully knew she was receiving pictures from a minor, I would take a long moment to be deeply disappointed with her and then go right back to advocating for prison abolition.
Because there is nothing you can say to convince me that anyone "deserves" to be raped, humiliated, repeatedly sexually abused, stripped of basic human dignities and made a slave to the state - potentially until her death - and if you try, you are not a leftist. You are a LARPer.
I will absolutely not accept lectures in class consciousness from people who're still messily slobbering on the boot of a retributive justice system that massively and disproportionately abuses people of colour, LGBTQ+ folk and the poor. Go fuck yourself.
And before you ask what I'm doing to "actually help," I'm a member of a trans health advocacy organisation currently fighting to stop the United Kingdom from rolling back the few rights trans people have been able to secure and to help trans people impacted by the pandemic.
Are Carcin and Freyja evil landlords contributing to a horrible housing shortage?

Well I'm not even going to do that funny thing where I sarcastically say "maybe" or "even if they were."

No. They're fucking not. And harassing them won't fix our shitty world.
Explain to me how this helps literally anyone who's suffering right now. https://twitter.com/CarcinLoring/status/1254085421039931393
Every time people pull bullshit like this, you make it that much harder for people to argue "actually the left wing aren't a bunch of unprincipled, attention-seeking clout-chasers like the right."
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