This is an interesting orthostatic intolerance paper. I skipped it initially because I thought it was a crappy psych study, but I found it interesting because one reason I can't stand in queues, on transport, or for long at the sink is because I start crying involuntarily. 1/
I always just thought it was an emotional response to feeling unwell, but now I think about it I feel unwell all the time but I only cry (when not sad about anything else) when standing for any length of time. This has significantly reduced since been on pots meds. 2/
Some of the participants reported crying whenever they did the dishes. Before I had pots meds, I used to cry almost every time I did the dishes and couldn't figure out why washing dishes was upsetting! Anyway, interesting paper:

They basically observed (although in a small sample) that orthostatic stress triggered involuntary emotional expression (mostly crying, sometimes laughing or anger) in a percentage of people with POTS and NMH. Head-up tilt was the trigger.

Do any others with OI experience this?
I observed a very noticeable difference in my emotional lability when I started POTS meds. Went from almost daily crying attacks to only about once a month. I had guessed it was something to do with cerebral perfusion but wasn't sure.
Next time I have an attack of the tears I will check whether it was preceeded by standing for too long, and if so, see whether lying down helps!
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