we’re all enduring a fair bit of volatility as builders right now, big and small. here are a few insights for enduring tough periods that i find myself coming back to in #TheMessyMiddle - some essential hacks and perspective that may help: (1/8)
you’ll have tough decisions to make that require uncomfortable debates. be the one to say what others are thinking. be optimistic about the future but pragmatic now. people make progress when they feel like they’re making progress. so surface the hard truths but transfer energy.
in rough periods we’re liable to make decisions out of fear (and at peaks, we falsely attribute success to ourselves). point is: we’re not our greatest selves during volatility.

trace gut feelings to the source. admit triggers. be especially permeable to feedback right now.
when business is booming, we throw resources at problems/inefficiencies and fail to really solve them. resources are carbs, but resourcefulness is muscle.

well, as my friend @williamallen advises teams: “refactor, refactor, then hire.” volatility forces us to change HOW we work
we tend to stick to our jobs vs. care indiscriminately. but solutions to problems don’t obey org boundaries. volatility is an open door. see something wrong? do it. “best way to complain is to make things” (James Murphy)

future is crafted by those who do work they don’t have to.
when there’s no end in sight, the long-term rewards we dream about aren’t enough to help us endure every day and keep the team together.

instead, hack the reward system by defining the milestones and celebrating directional progress. reiterating the mission just not enough.
in those all-consuming, emotional moments when you know what you need to do to serve team (or save the biz) and just need the gall to do it, may help to whisper this to yourself...

...at least it has for me and other founders I interviewed about tough calls that had to be made.
Finally, take note of the “insecurity work” you’re doing (stuff w/ no intended outcome that just assuages anxiety, like checking graphs/data again + again);try to compartmentalize it.

harvest the lessons (many right now). keep the stare ahead. stay safe + strong my friends.
You can follow @scottbelsky.
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