πŸ“Œ"Epstien Island was NOT a place little children were taken it was where 16 and 17 year olds were having sex with politicians" a quote from a neighbor of @Angel171614 a few days ago. My brain skids to a halt. "SERIOUSLY? He said that?" Follow meπŸ‘‡ Let's chat that... #Epstien
πŸ“ŒEpstein Island was literally the kind of place horror films replicated ... Tunnels, cages, piles of bones... why? They were doing rituals to summon the 4 Princes. Not Prince Andrew...
πŸ“ŒThey were summoning the 4 crown princes of hell! 1. satan meaning adversary opposing the will of God. He tests the faith of Gods followers tempting them to stray) He represents fire. 2. Lucifer (enlightenment)He represents air and the east.
πŸ“Œ3. Belial - He represents sex, lust, confusion, darkness... earth and the north. 4. Leviathon representing a great sea creature that attacks world religions/ the hidden truth. Representing water and the west.
πŸ“ŒThese 4 princes represent a cardinal direction North, South, East and West. This is the reason for the temple on Epstien Island on a hill... for worshipping their religion. (((They))) do it here as well... many other places to!
πŸ“Œ This has been going on for centuries... Celebrities worship as well!
πŸ“ŒDon't you realize 'Stars need darkness to shine' they mistakenly believed you would follow the Stars (propaganda ward of darkness as well as the media) You think I am kidding? πŸ‘‡This is a sign mocking God. Selling their souls to satan
πŸ“ŒYes politicians, Presidents all do the ritual as well... ObamaπŸ‘‡ You dont really believe (((they))) get voted in right?
This type of evil has been around a long time!
πŸ“Œ Many come from human sacrificing families like Anderson Cooper πŸ‘‡Childhood photo with Mom. Don't you have that hanging above your Mom's bed? Ya mine doesn't either. (THEY SACRIFICE PEOPLE TO THEIR GOD)
πŸ“ŒWhy is Adam Schiffs bff in jail? Why do most politicians have children charities?
πŸ“Œ Models as well you think this is normal? Plus the drug to stay young. Pelosi is in her 70's dont you understand how they stay young looking? Ya island extracted that as well...
πŸ“ŒThis is not a joke America. It is time to put silly issues in the chuck it bucket and choose a side good or evil. I choose Good and Love of Children what do you choose? THIS HAS TO STOPπŸ‘‡
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