Okay- Work Story Time, because I'm a little baffled by this...
I love my co-workers a lot. They're all strong ladies and have their own things going on in different directions, and that's cool! I love it!
However the Pandemic has been bringing out some of the... Dubious in people
So, as it sits there's 4 of us n my department, 6 if we count the slightly adjacent department.
Co-Worker 1 is on working from home
Co-Worker 2 is mostly working from home, but is coming in to work to pick up paperwork that only she can do.
Adjacent Worker 1 is in isolation for a little while, and for good reason.
Adjacent Worker 2 is in every other day as our workspace is small, but it's cool because she can also spend a lot of time in other parts of the workspace.
This leaves me and Co-Worker 3 on daily upkeep
so CW3 is not normally my type of person - She's pretty bubbly and energetic, and I like to curl into a dark corner and drink absinthe while browsing Tiktok, but it's cool! We seem to get along well enough, and neither of us are bad at the job, so there's that!
And then I get Sick. It's not the dreaded Covid (That I know of- I was never sick enough to get tested so we isolated for the 10 days recommended by the province), but it was enough that I was bemoaning life on the couch.

And browsing Facebook (Like a dummy)
So, Here I am trying not to annoy my housemate so much that he stops entertaining me, browsing the book of faces, when I see a big huge long post from CW3. Housemate jumps as I make a loud confused sound.
CW3 has posted a multi-Paragraph screed about how Covid-19 is caused by 5g.
I'm a bit shocked, but then again when we got our first case in Province, they also came into work saying "Don't worry! I read something that said Vitamin C would kill the Virus!" so maybe I shouldn't have been.
So I read though it again to see if it's satire.
I read through the comments and see if maybe someone else has talked some sense into her.
And then I do it- I respond, because my fever addled brain needs to know the truth.
"Are you being Serious?"
They respond in the affirmative, that yes, they do believe this, and that they are frustrated because all of the studies and articles they found while making the post seem to be disappearing because of Big Media™️.
I quietly mouth "WTF" to myself, and make a list of some articles by doctors, and a link to the WHO response to the 5G controversy.
Someone else meanwhile has been arguing with them in the other comments, and it is becoming clear that CW3 is a B E L I E V E R.
So I respond with my links in what I feel is a polite way, saying "Hey, Here's some articles that might change your mind..." and post them.
"I'm sorry," CW3 responds, "I got as far as the WHO and stopped reading. I won't believe anything from that Evil Rockefeller Corporation."
I check my temperature to make sure I'm not existing in some hellish fever dream. It's high but not Hallucinating Weird Facebook Convos high.
I respond with a "You Believe what you want Dude..." and bounce.
I check back on the comments a few times before I realize This Ain't Healthy when I should be recovering, and go to the Facebook Setttings and opt to "Take a Break" from CW3's feed for a bit.
Fast Forward to this week - I'm back at work, Albeit in the physically distanced way
CW3 is being AGGRESSIVELY FRIENDLY. It's the 2 of us in a smallish office for 10 hours a day, and she is trying very hard to be my Best Pal. I'm wary, because, well, the rest of this thread is a good reason.
We have good conversations, but by the end of the week I'm losing it
So I figure, maybe she's noticed me not liking her stuff as much while I was sick because I took the break and she thinks I'm mad at her or something. I'm not, so I go to remove the "Take a Break" and like some of her stuff to maybe help smooth things over.
I've been Removed from her Friends List.
Its amusing, I think, as I stare at the little "Request Connection" button.
So I think, Okay, whatever, and press it.
The Next day, she takes a personal day.
Now, not to be paranoid (Though, really I am and I should stop it), but I've had conversations with CW3 about how much they hate taking personal days, and will only do so if it's a last ditch effort.
Maybe I was coming across as fed up on the last day we worked together?
I mean, I WAS, but I was also trying to keep that all inside myself because it's not her fault our personalities don't mesh in that way.
I can't see the thread anymore, but another person at work saw it and, because we live in a messy age, has screenshots.
I'm happy to not see them as I don't wanna know how bad it got after I stopped seeing it.
But either CW3 has deleted all of their Facebook posts for EVER, or I've been demoted to "Acquaintance".
Either is fine, really.
Don't get me wrong, I believe in some woo-woo mystical healing BS, but I also feel very strongly that Science is a Good Thing.
Get Your Vaccines, but maybe a little hot honey and lemon tea with some rosehips will help your throat feel better.
I'm just boggled.
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