I’m confused and need your help. People like @JohnPiper believe that the “fullness” of God‘s anger was poured out on Jesus on the cross. This, they say, “satisfied” and extinguished God’s wrath toward humans. There is now “no (divine) condemnation.” But also... 1/3
These same people argue that God still gets grumpy. REALLY grumpy. And when God gets super mad, God’s wrath sends sickness and even deadly tornados to punish us or teach us a lesson. Their post-atonement God acts just like their pre-atonement God. 2/3
This seems utterly irreconcilable to me. But worse than the cognitive dissonance, it seems to imply that evangelicals believe in a Jesus that only kind-of-sort-of did the job. This isn’t my theology of God or the cross, but if it is yours, how the heck do you reconcile this? 3/3
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