Fresh from his job as head of Obama's Nat'l Econ Council. Summers got big $ speaking fee from outsourcing business group. Group worried Obama might curtail outsourcing but fears were unnecessary. Anyone who knew Summers and Obama NEC knew nothing would be done.
@davidsirota reported Summers told conference, "There are those today who would resist the process of international integration; that is a prescription for a more contentious and less prosperous world," "We should not oppose offshoring or outsourcing."
Not reported is Summers' speaking fee contract prevented the video or transcript from being released. High government official monetizing public service in secret
Also not reported, Summers #2 at NEC was Diana Farrell, author of McKinsey "Offshoring: Win-Win" propaganda piece.
Farrell biggest evangelist of offshoring. Did most damage to rational public conversation on outsourcing, laughing all the way to the bank. Obama did zero to curb outsourcing or even help those losing to it. Personnel is policy.
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