Yesterday, @GenFlynn broke his silence by making his first tweet in 2 and a half years.

It was posted at 10:08 PM EST.

Q post 1008 was posted 2 years ago, also in April.

Out of almost 4,000 Q posts, "Flynn is safe" has only been said 3 times.

What a coincidence
Most Trump supporters and even many Q followers hate FBI director Christopher Wray.

They believe he's another Deep State actor who pushed to withhold the exculpatory evidence that would exonerate General Flynn.

@LisaMei62 reminded us of what wrote in post 3693.
On April 17, Q confirmed what @jsolomonReports reported on @LouDobbs show.

They are ready with the indictments.
Everything points to Director Wray having to withhold the exculpatory evidence because they were being used in the Grand Jury indictments.

Now that the exculpatory is not needed, they have been released to exonerate General Flynn.

Which also means indictments really are coming.
Even if you don't trust Q, the plan, or Wray, at least trust President @realDonaldTrump to not be dumb enough to allow Wray to lead the FBI the past 3 years.

You really think POTUS wouldn't have known if Wray was a Deep State member causing harm by now and fired him already?
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