👄 You can’t hear someone talking with closed lips

♥️ You can’t follow your heart if it’s closed

When hurt we close our heart & wear a cast (defense mechanisms)

Wounds heal, wearing a cast after healing is imprisonment

No true victory is without vulnerability (Mini-Thread) 👇🏼
Getting hurt in a relationship
Getting hurt in a friendship

Getting hurt in pursuing a idea/venture/business/goal

We listened to our heart but then got hurt

Let the wound heal, learn from it

Then have the courage to take off the cast

Live life and listen to your heart again
Fortune favors the bold

The cast reduces your maneuverability

It makes you timid, playing it too safe. It makes you stressed

Stiff & Overthinking

Projecting the past into the present. Making yesterday’s hurt reflect back today
The heart is not the problem.

The strategies of execution needed adjustment

Acting on inspirations of the heart

The heart leads to paths & lessons to grow

Like muscles in the gym this is how the heart grows. Tear & Repair

How intuition wisdom, & awareness is cultivated
Your faith is your fortune
Your fears are your misfortune

The timid play to not lose
The bold play to win

Vulnerability is strength

Only those confident enough to take the hits risk it to win

The weak avoid it. By definition they never win, they just ‘don’t lose’
Defeat is temporary

A life of never showing up, never stepping into the unknown. Never growing.

Never learning. Never experiencing

A self imposed early death
So remember this when you’re hurt

Defeat does not make you a loser.

It’s the ultimate sign you’re playing life in the arena

It’s the sign you’re growing and taking on challenge

Not in a coffin hiding on the sidelines

“Feedback only determines strategy not self worth”
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