1) Thanks for the promotion, guys. Great opportunity to show what actual rights-based advocacy looks like. https://twitter.com/venanalysis/status/1253899823440412672
5) You are so low-integrity that quote my NYT article out of context as if to say I gave a blanket call for deepening sanctions. Scroll up to the previous paragraph in that article and you will see this:
6) The point was that research shows a logic of deepening (repeatedly tightening sanctions on the same people) works better than broadening (adding more people and sectors to the list)
9) I understand that all of this is probably too much subtlety and contingency to concentrate on since you see the people of the global South as pawns to be used lightly in your imaginary geopolitical game. #leftcolonialism
10) You flatten out conflicts in the global South into heroes and villains in a way you never would about the US or Europe, and you justify authoritarian contexts you would never tolerate yourselves. #leftorientalism
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