Parents, professors, and student support personnel:

This is the time period, you will begin to witness the latent effect of "stay-in-place" orders on your college-aged student and/or 18-25 year old.
The best approach is to simply provide a listening ear and PLAN with them.
Some older adolescents may appear angry, easily frustrated, and possibly show signs of depression (e.g. sleeping late, taking extremely long naps, ignoring basic hygiene, insomnia, etc.).
You may want to plan family activities that include them, such as game or movie night.
For younger adults (18-25), take time to listen to their concerns, especially as it relates to peer groups, intimate relationships, college planning, debt, and employment. Let them know you will help support them as much as possible. Fear can be debilitating for this age group!
Our 18-25 yr may have a big head but their brains aren't fully developed! Helping them map out or plan their future can help prevent feelings of anxiety & depression. A pandemic causes a loss of stability and structure. Goal-setting brings a feeling of direction, focus, and hope.
Finally, our older children are human! Keep in mind that they may also be worried about your health and economic well-being at this time. Inform them of your family's emergency PLAN (financial, medical, etc). This is the time that more information is best!
Allow them to grow up😃
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